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Yanwugou Formation

Yanwugou Fm


Age Interval: 
Nangaoan through middle Duyunian. (74-76)

Hubei, Henan

Type Locality and Naming

The type section of the Yanwugou Formation is the West Hill Ridge section. It is located on the hill ridge west of Fengjia’ao Village, about 7 km north of the Xijiadian Town, Danjiangkou, Hubei Province (111°12’58”E, 32°50’52”N). It is the lower portion of the same section shared by the overlying Fengjia’ao and Xijiadian formations. The section was measured by Zhu and Tao (1988) from Hubei School of Geology (now Hubei University of Geological Staff). The Yanwugou Formation was named by Zhu and Tao (1988). The name is derived from Yanwugou Village in Xijiadian Township, Danjiangkou City (County), northwestern Hubei Province. In following the revision by Yang et al. (1991) and Chen and Jin (1996), the Yanwugou here is an expended one with inclusion of the Siliceous Slate Member (Bed 5) of Zhu and Tao (1988).

Synonym: (岩屋沟组); Chen and Jin (1996) named Zhuangzigou Fm for the expanded Yanwugou Formation. Although the Zhuangzigou Fm appeared first in a 1975 manuscript by the No.5 Hubei Geological Team, it was published as late as 1997 by Chen and Jin (1996). Therefore the Zhuangzigou Fm should be regarded as an invalid synonymous of Yanwugou Formation for its later publication (see also the remark of the entry of Yangjiabao Fm).

Lithology and Thickness

The Yanwugou Formation is an epi-metamorphic clastic sequence, consisting of greyish black, vanadic carbonaceous slate, carbonaceous silty slate, carbonaceous siliceous slate, and siliceous silty slate. Lower part of the formation also contains thin-bedded siliceous concretions, bone coals, phosphoric nodules, and upper part contains thin-bedded argillaceous limestone lenses. In the type section, the Yanwugou Formation is 39 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The Yanwugou Fm is in conformable contact with underlying Yangjiabao Fm. The lower boundary of the formation is marked by lithological change from the siliceous rock at the top of the Yangjiabao Fm to the carbonaceous and siliceous slate at the base of the Yanwugou Fm

Upper contact

The upper boundary is marked by lithological change from carbonaceous silty slate at the top of Yanwugou Fm to the thick-bedded limestone at the base of the Fengjia’ao Fm

Regional extent

The Yanwugou Formation is exposed in the Jiangbei Slope Area of South China Region, distributed in northwestern and northern Hubei Province (Yunxian, Yunxi, Danjiangkou counties) and the border area crossing the Suizhou and Jingshan citys and Anlu counties) and southwestern Henan Province (Xichuan and Dengzhou counties). The thickness of the formation varies from 14 to 617 m.




No fossil was reported from the type section. However, in a section at Yujiachong, Jingshan County, northern Hubei Province the upper part of the formation yields trilobites Hupeidiscus sp., Sinodiscus duchuanensis and Tsunyidiscus tingi.


Nangaoan through middle Duyunian.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 
Cambrian Stage 3

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 
Cambrian Stage 4

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Peng Shanchi